What is a relocated chart and how to use it for deciding where to move

Grounded 2025 astrology predictions month by month

How to read your astrocartography map: Beginner’s guide
Beginner's guide on how to read your astrocartography map to uncover your best locations around the world.

Career astrology: After years of feeling adrift, I finally love what I do for work

Astrocartography: Discover the hidden purpose behind your relocations

My experience living on “bad” astrocartography lines
Learn from real life stories of living on "bad" astrocartography lines.

How to find your astrocartography lines for a career that you love
Discover your best astrocartography lines for career fulfillment following these instructions.

Libra in your birth chart - meaning through the houses
Discover how Libra energy manifests in your life based on your birth chart.

Pisces in your birth chart - meaning through the houses
Discover how Pisces energy manifests in your life based on your birth chart.

What you need to feel fulfilled in your career or business - 10th house interpretations
Discover your aligned career or business needs through your natal chart.

How to find your soul’s purpose from your birth chart
Discover your soul’s purpose through your natal chart.

Stellium meaning in your natal chart through the houses
Discover what your stellium in your birth chart means for your life’s greatest focus point.

North Node in your chart - sign & house meanings
Discover your North Node meaning through sign and house placement.

Midheaven meaning in your chart - all signs
Discover what your Midheaven in your birth chart means for your career and soul’s purpose.

South Node in your chart - sign & house meanings
Discover your South Node meaning through sign and house placement.